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McFox's Pages
Welcome to McFox's Pages! On this site, you will find information on multiple sclerosis (ms), health, diet, computers, the internet and a whole lot more. Please feel free to look around.
Don't have multiple sclerosis (ms)?
Don't worry, you don't need to have multiple sclerosis (ms) to be here :o) Readers who visit this site for other topics are very welcome to browse around. There is a lot to see!
More than a multiple sclerosis site!
This site is about much more than multiple sclerosis (ms) although there is of course, plenty of information about MS and other, related subjects.
This website is about many things, since people with multiple sclerosis are just people. People who have other interests and requirements, the same as everyone else.
What makes it a little different for people with multiple sclerosis is in adapting to the new challenges presented.
This site recognizes that fact, and offers some pointers and wherever possible, a viable, alternative solution.
For everyone else, there is a wealth of other information, tips and articles!