Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Glossary
| A |
B | C |
D | E |
F | G |
Ha -
Hi | Hj - Hz |
I | J | K |
L | M |
N | O |
Pa - Ph |
Pi - Pz | Q
| R | Sa - Sk |
Sl - Sz |
T | U |
V | W | X | Y | Z |
Glossary - A
- arrhythmia - an abnormal alteration in rhythm of the heartbeat
| abnormal gait | abscess | achalasia | acute brain syndrome | adenoma | agitation | alcohol intolerance | anaphylactoid | angina pectoris | anuria | apathy | aphasia | aphthous stomatitis | apnea | arrhythmia | arthritis | arthrosis | ascites | asthenia | asthma | ataxia | atelectasis | atrial fibrillation |