Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Glossary

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | Ha - Hi | Hj - Hz | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | Pa - Ph | Pi - Pz | Q | R | Sa - Sk | Sl - Sz | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Glossary - A



  • asthma - chronic respiratory disease, usually allergic in origin; characterized by sudden recurring attacks of labored breathing, chest constriction, wheezing and coughing


| abnormal gait | abscess | achalasia | acute brain syndrome | adenoma | agitation | alcohol intolerance | anaphylactoid | angina pectoris | anuria | apathy | aphasia | aphthous stomatitis | apnea | arrhythmia | arthritis | arthrosis | ascites | asthenia | asthma | ataxia | atelectasis | atrial fibrillation |


Multiple Sclerosis

Average age of clinical onset of Multiple Sclerosis is 30 – 33 years of age.

Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis

The symptoms of multiple sclerosis are varied and can occur suddenly, then disappear again just as quickly. There are no specific sets of symptoms applicable to any of the types of multiple sclerosis. Additionally, symptoms of multiple sclerosis tend to vary considerably from one person to another and also to be distant in time... Read More